Table of Content

Product Overview

Acada is the best way for parents to help their kids learn. We offer a wide range of courses to help parents and kids learn about financial literacy, investments, enterpreneurship, and so much more. These courses are made by professors and students to ensure their knowledge is up-to-date. With Acada, parents and children can learn on the go!

Research Goals and Objectives

To design and build a user-centred product, we researched to;

  1. To understand the pain points of the target market,
  2. To get opinions from the target market, and create a better experience,
  3. To recognize the needs of the target market, and how to meet these needs as a problem-solving product.
  4. Identify how parents interact with their educational apps for children.

Scope: Methodology and Geographical Areas

The research was carried out by conducting remote user interviews with parents, kids, and teenagers aged 6-18, in Nigeria.

Participant Criteria: Recruitment and Cohorts

We recruited and interviewed 4 people within our target market to participate in this research. Recruitment was targeted at individuals(on social media) that meet the criteria that had been set.


01 - Parents who haven’t used educational apps to teach their children.